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Derecho ambiental

Environment protection is a very important task for the quality of life of the current and future generations. Therefore environmental law is currently one of the most rapidly developing areas of law both in the EU and Lithuania. Lately, a very important process is has been harmonisation of Lithuanian law with EU law and problems of evaluating impact on the environment. The harmonisation process is important not only in transposing EU rules into the national law, but also in implementing them in practice. In Lithuania currently all the principles of EU environmental law are complied with: high level of environmental protection, caution and preventive actions, source of damage, “the polluter pays”, integration, sustainable development, etc.

Our firm law lawyers provide the following services related to environmental law in Vilnius and Lithuania:

  • take part in the implementation of environmental projects developed by international and EU organisations;
  • provide counsel to local and international companies on the issues of environmental law;
  • analyse legislative acts and perform reviews of compliance with the EU and international legislation and prepare draft legislative acts;
  • provide counsel to international financial organizations working on environmental projects in Lithuania.

Our environmental law team was formed directly in response to the ever increasing needs of our clients. Our professionals hold law degrees from Lithuanian and foreign universities, and have obtained further qualifications through local and international specialised training programmes and working side by side with the best European specialists in the field of environmental law.

Please refer to legal services section, to find more information our law firm lawyers provides in Vilnius, Lithuania